Verge price AUD (XVG)

Verge price chart

The below Verge price chart tracks the price of Verge against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.

Market cap


Volume 24hr



16.5B XVG

What is Verge?

✓Anonymous transactions ✓Payment options ✓Community driven

Verge (XVG) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency. It's an open source project with an active team of developers from all over the world. Unlike other popular cryptocurrencies, Verge empowers users to make untraceable transactions that protect their privacy.

The Verge protocol uses multiple anonymity-centric networks, such as TOR and I2P, so that the IP addresses of the users are fully obfuscated. The Verge wallet also has built-in TOR integration as well as SSL encryption which adds an extra level of security. The blockchain technology can help protect users from hacking and maintain their anonymity as they interact in the digital economy.

How do I buy Verge?

  1. Deposit funds into your Cointree account using our fast and convenient options.
  2. Enter the amount of Verge that you would like to buy.
  3. Confirm your purchase and Verge will be instantly delivered to your Cointree account.

Don't have an account? Click here to get started

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Frequently asked questions about buying Verge

What's the best Australian exchange to buy Verge? How do I check the current price? Can I store my tokens in a hardware wallet? We answer these questions and more so you have all the necessary information before making your first Verge purchase.

Who's the best crypto exchange to buy Verge from in Australia?

You can start buying Verge on a [cryptocurrency]( exchange like [Cointree]( Crypto exchanges are similar to stock exchanges, except we sell Verge and other cryptocurrencies rather than equities. Cointree is the best crypto exchange in Australia. When you trade with Cointree, your coins are kept safe in an AUSTRAC regulated exchange that's been operating since 2013, you can trade Verge with low fees and get the most crypto for every Australian dollar (AUD) invested, and you can take advantage of our advanced trading tools.

How do I start trading with Cointree?

The first thing you need to do is create an account. After you create and verify your account, you can deposit AUD with a bank transfer or PayID. As soon as your Australian dollars are credited to your account, you can buy Verge. It's that easy. You can follow the step-by-step guide above for more information. Importantly, it's also easy to withdraw AUD when you're ready to take profits. You can create a sell order and then transfer AUD straight to your bank account in just a few clicks.

How can I check the current price and market capitalisation?

You can see the current price and market cap above, along with the 24hr volume and supply. These [key crypto metrics]( can help you decide when to buy Verge or sell Verge.

How is Verge (XVG) different from fiat currencies?

A fiat currency is controlled by a government, such as the Australian dollar, US dollar, or Japanese Yen. In contrast, cryptocurrencies like Verge (XVG) aren't controlled by any single government, group, or trusted institution. Instead, cryptocurrencies are supported by a decentralised network of participants. If you'd like to learn more, you can do your own research into [what a cryptocurrency really is](

Where can I store my XVG tokens?

The easiest place to store your Verge tokens is in the free Verge wallet that you receive when you create an account with Cointree. Alongside Verge tokens, you can store hundreds of other [cryptocurrencies]( for free. We recommend that you use a strong password and multi factor authentication to keep your coins secure. Alternatively, you can use a hardware wallet like a Ledger or Trezor to store your Verge tokens. While many investors are comfortable storing their tokens on an exchange, others prefer to store them in an offline Verge wallet. If you do store your tokens in an external wallet, make sure the wallet address is correct before you send your tokens.

Buy Verge (XVG)

Use the price calculator below to enter the amount of AUD you want to buy in Verge. You can also switch to convert XVG to AUD.


Why is Cointree the best place to buy Verge in Australia?

Easy and convenient

Deposit Australian dollars from your bank account in seconds, using a convenient method such as PayID/OSKO. Then follow our step-by-step instructions to make your first purchase of Verge.

Fast and transparent

Buy Verge in Australia with low fees. That means you can trade XVG whenever the market presents a money-making opportunity and make the most of the highly volatile crypto market.

Safe and secure

We've been keeping Australian's crypto safe since 2013. Buy Verge on an AUSTRAC regulated crypto exchange with bank-level encryption.

Made for you

Our Australian exchange is built for our users. You can track your crypto portfolio on your dashboard, trade in seconds, and see all of your past transactions.

What can you do with your Verge?

Deposit Verge

Ready to start growing your portfolio? Directly deposit Verge into your Cointree wallet safely and quickly, with no fees.

Hold Verge

Are you buying Verge as a long-term investment? You can hold your Verge in your free crypto wallet that you receive when you create an account with [Cointree](

Trade Verge

TradeVerge (XVG) for any other digital currency within just a few clicks. With low fees, you can make the most of the market movements. As always, past performance doesn't guarantee future performance.

Send Verge

After you buy Verge in Australia on our platform, you can quickly and easily send your Verge to any other Verge wallet. Always check the address is correct before sending any coins.

Spend Verge

Spend Verge in the real world and live a more crypto focused life. While it's easy to buy Verge (XVG), it's also becoming easier to spend Verge and other cryptocurrencies in physical stores and online.

Learn About Verge

Visit our [learning hub]( and explore the [best ways to invest in crypto](, see how [technical analysis]( can help you decide when to buy and sell your coins, and discover exciting new protocols.

Buy Verge in just a few minutes

Sign up right now and buy Verge in just a few clicks.