The below Wrapped Nexus Mutual price chart tracks the price of Wrapped Nexus Mutual against AUD over time. The rate shown is indicative only as actual buy / sell rates depend on market liquidity and fees at the time of quotation.
971.3K WNXM
971.3K WNXM
✓Freely transferable NXM tokens ✓Smart contract cover ✓Tokenized membership rights
Nexus Mutual are taking an extremely innovative approach to the insurance industry - one that has been plagued by the over-dominance of centralization, large institutions and a subsequent friction in the dealings with customers. By leveraging blockchain technology, Nexus Mutual has developed a community driven mutual which is operated completely by its members.
NXM tokens are the native asset of the Nexus Mutual platform and are representative of members’ rights. NXM can also be purchased to obtain Smart Contract Cover as well as playing a role in community governance and the assessment of claims.
The WNXM token which represents a wrapped version of an NXM token - is able to be exchanged freely in the cryptocurrency ecosystem rather than exclusively in the NXM mutual. Only verified members of Nexus Mutual have the ability to wrap and unwrap the NXM token.
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