Refund policy

All instructions and actions are generally considered final. Cointree members may raise an enquiry if the result of an instruction does not meet their expectations. Each enquiry is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. However, as instructions are generally considered final, approach #1 below is typically taken except in rare circumstances.

We may, in our sole discretion, decide to take one of the following actions:

  1. Take no action, leaving the instruction as final.
  2. Refund or reverse an instruction along with any earned commission.
  3. Refund or reverse an instruction while keeping any earned commission.
  4. Take another action we deem appropriate.

Please use our help centre to submit an enquiry.

If an instruction executes incorrectly due to a system or staff error, Cointree may perform one of the above actions automatically to help minimise the impact on our members.

Cointree cannot reverse an instruction because a wrong decision was made. Our aim is to provide enough information for our members to make informed choices. If you feel improvements can be made to meet this goal, please send suggestions to our support team.